We wrote to you in April regarding the actions we have been taking to work within the Government’s guidelines for safe working whilst supporting our customers’ ongoing needs.
Following the publication of the UK guidance on Working Safely During Coronavirus we have completed the assessment for Laboratories, shared this with all our PAS colleagues and updated our safe working practices.
We are delighted to let you know that we have now returned to our regular work capacity and reporting results within the normal turnaround times.
If possible, please continue to follow our sample submission requirements by emailing completed sample submission forms.
Please let us know if there are any areas in which we can further support you at this time and we would be more than happy to discuss these with you.

For any further information, please contact our Commercial Team on +44 (0) 1494 809 601/602.
Thank you for your understanding and patience during these extraordinary times.
Dr Clare Hazel FRSC FIFST RFoodSP
Head of Premier Analytical Services